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[考试战报] 8/10下午ccna考试,839险过!

发表于 2017-8-10 19:33:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 小乔 于 2017-8-11 10:31 编辑
$ F1 c' Z: r! L8 Z0 k3 @# r
0 j. G8 u, ~2 c& b之前 我的友人先考试
( t8 f/ q/ ^+ }! I9 g# Z7 y5 q终于轮到我去赴考啦!!- K+ \! K; M0 r5 y/ U1 K
2 Q7 s3 Q$ X+ O2 G
这次 遇到很多8.2题库没有的题目
, g( {! ~& z% t% \这次居然没有考任何拖图题
, S% g- k' n# H8 p3 X+ C9 t实验题考DHCP&ACL
: p% C: @" t' M0 f- \8 H5 t/ M( s3 d$ O8 W
8/2的题库 基本上都有概括8成 新题也最少10题8 ]5 e% M8 V& d$ ?
4 R3 s6 @: x- H0 b- S2 p/ R
题库没有的题目 我记得有考TFTP 那题其中有个选项 好像有Cisco IOS image on the same subnet?(还是network?我也忘了)
' c9 {+ B9 P- P% Z还有PVST+ 哪个是所有STP都有的?
. z& |" r: W, Q& l6 U+ H- }另外也考了Host route 题目没印象, n/ U) g0 \- f3 ~
. _- Z, ^- K: g4 N* r2 p( F
" A- F7 i, ~  `PC1传送frame给PC2 哪个源位址传frame?(我也没记清楚)& K5 {" ]/ _% @/ w6 @
未命名.JPG & b1 \/ ?+ T( M/ D3 ?8 N% v
选项有A.PC1的位址 B.R1的位址 C.R2的位址 D.PC2的的位址$ P  c+ Y: z2 U! ]' t
9 a& z4 M6 U2 ^
Which of the following statements describe the network shown in the graphic? (Choose two)
9 b  c* Q) N4 P+ n, V9 e( ?: c; p4 H
1 z8 Y- H! E6 ]" X collision_domain_broadcast_domain.jpg
$ K, |- o1 Y- x
. e6 d) N  z& \( ?- v! f. PA. There are two broadcast domains in the network.
' \# r8 O; C! u/ E  ^B. There are four broadcast domains in the network.- C( Y) \: t, D8 j9 c
C. There are six broadcast domains in the network.
" f2 D% g; u( P* `( w( X: gD. There are four collision domains in the network.
8 p8 ?3 b6 |/ T# x3 \( U+ h& PE. There are five collision domains in the network.
, A1 e; H3 Y# J) S; L" ^) }5 KF. There are seven collision domains in the network.
% d6 y1 B/ f* h, z  s8 ?
! j: X# k% [" b) n8 p+ X- R5 NWhat is a valid HSRP virtual MAC address?5 o- I; r' J0 D, g- x2 a
A.0000.5E00.01A32 L0 e- h3 x* R2 ?
3 i, b# l# D0 L: K7 M9 |0 k- XC.0000.0C07.AC15( j4 ^8 X/ P% m  t8 _, g
7 U4 i  ?# i2 M# w" E
+ H9 Z5 t8 c+ Z* [9 d* fAssuming the default switch configuration which vlan range can be added modified and removed on a Cisco switch?
& Y0 I5 B# A2 U7 ^' L: O3 X4 v7 P& @2 f- H; a
A. 2 through 1001 ' E: v: r# |9 J( G7 ?6 k
B. 1 through 1001
# c& U. C5 Q) N7 Y& C  r" VC. 1 through 1002
# U5 g; f1 U1 t9 ED. 2 through 1005; W! I$ ]. B! Z/ h2 c1 d  h

! K7 b  n5 l& X5 a; p: t3 ~Where does routing occur within the DoD TCP/IP reference model? 7 R  g! g) |- y6 L% H
A. application
/ M9 n+ r. X; q! S. E7 |, hB. internet - n8 e5 m% m$ m6 l
C. network
& x5 d5 E5 J: m5 V' I* z: \6 rD. transport
; l) [6 E" r( _$ [  S" j: N8 Y1 o3 K, _3 h  W9 V1 b% t. ?9 z' c

  ?% x7 h* x# C3 [) HRefer to the exhibit:
4 z7 B5 ^1 y( J
, L$ }4 C) a8 t/ c+ x  Y0 D$ ^6 x7 q) n show_mac-address-table_show_cdp_neighbors.jpg
* q( F! p" m0 {( SWhich two statements are true of the interfaces on Switch1? (Choose two)
, `1 l: x9 j/ x: t6 o7 |
# Z3 L3 x  R% ^/ D# o1 WA. A hub is connected directly to FastEthernet0/5! k& r( _0 c8 i5 {
B. FastEthernet0/1 is configured as a trunk link.: z3 r% w$ v2 C' F3 [* h. x
C. FastEthernet0/5 has statically assigned mac address
  E! t# Z1 p6 J* xD. Interface FastEthernet0/2 has been disable.) \3 N/ S& U) W* A. m& @
E. Multiple devices are connected directly to FastEthernet0/1.
) Q7 R- Z; K0 J" B- n# hF. FastEthernet0/1 is connected to a host with multiple network interface cards.; W7 `/ c, D1 h: e1 R
Correct Answer: AB
. l9 Q' h  R3 y+ r& ], _" ~5 t; n- L! @. m8 b

" C( f* |3 h' \) ?
8 l" x* q6 A( ^Refer to the exhibit. How should the FastEthernet0/1 port on the 2950 model switches that are shown in the exhibit be configured to allow connectivity between all devices? , [: H# p: K7 M
4675947_orig.jpg . s4 ^. I- o2 |% i

: C  R, L6 A, p7 {0 z5 v" Q- CA. The ports only need to be connected by a crossover cable.( F2 }9 M7 M; ~1 ^$ H
B. SwitchX( config)# interface FastEthernet 0/10 j' ]) A1 m6 c  i9 K' y8 v. @
   SwitchX(config-if)# switchport mode trunk  ]1 K; i2 q/ D5 @) W! t6 O9 C
C. SwitchX(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/1- `2 Z0 o4 L; Z0 X* |5 C
   SwitchX(config-if)# switchport mode access
4 ~2 X) P/ \+ ^   SwitchX(config-if)# switchport access vlan 1, d& J. k( K7 \& G- j
D. SwitchX(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/1
7 E1 v* Y  i+ ~   SwitchX(config-if)# switchport mode trunk* {) j. v  C  C( _
   SwitchX(config-if)# switchport trunk vlan 17 l1 Y  |4 A- |* V1 k- e1 e& }$ G) C
   SwitchX(config-if)# switchport trunk vlan 10
& `" H: r, H4 h2 f8 L   SwitchX(config-if)# switchport trunk vlan 20
# d8 m2 S3 ?9 R! A% H
+ r) K+ X2 N( [1 Z8 k! ]/ a+ r" C
& }1 m/ e; i2 y; B4 yWhich three statements about the features of SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 are true? (Choose three.)' F7 C; m/ o" U

: V9 z. z& g9 p8 H' dA.SNMPv3 enhanced SNMPv2 security features.
" @5 T1 F- e! u  w0 F: b1 `# oB.SNMPv3 added the Inform protocol message to SNMP.; w0 I. @7 Z. J$ h( O1 U' I: h/ j$ o
C.SNMPv2 added the Inform protocol message to SNMP.* G) o+ d' D( g4 U9 D1 j
D.SNMPv3 added the GetBulk protocol messages to SNMP.
. E$ o6 Y$ @1 x& a/ x0 [' X( ^  NE.SNMPv2 added the GetBulk protocol message to SNMP.
! T% u1 e, i6 B8 X2 PF.SNMPv2 added the GetNext protocol message to SNMP.2 W* r8 N" P3 L; Z. ]7 W& e! V
; U& r( k0 @$ J$ ~

9 S" x( w" n  K  u- r( b, G4 yRefer to the exhibit. Given the output from the show ip eigrp topology command, which router is the feasible successor?
: I7 N$ T- L; Z& d---------------------------------------------------------------; b7 C9 }" K, s& R0 V+ u
router# show ip eigrp topology, ^2 r) u+ v" {
IP-EIGRP topology entry for State is Passive, Query ! p/ M( ~$ ]/ D9 m8 A
origin flag is 1, 1 Successor(s), FD is 41152000
$ D% B, V* y0 _/ z, w4 E---------------------------------------------------------------9 Z6 x# d  E4 W0 ?: Y3 H0 a4 u) o2 Q; G

7 \$ H% A& V% F' [7 q4 D: UA.: O8 L4 l7 C+ h2 v: p
* i, K6 E1 m2 \6 P2 ` (Serial0), from, Send flag is 0x0
: z! g6 `& \* X2 X. O5 \0 PComposite metric is (46152000/41640000), Route is Internal
) r. n! Z6 L9 B0 ^4 xVector metric:
, Q3 o. s; b$ a( a7 P) oMinimum bandwidth is 64 Kbit
& P0 f* n% A2 I1 M/ j  fTotal delay is 45000 Microseconds
- q' e$ T0 G& qReliability is 255/255
' M: n, u2 v' q9 j; ~: j! ?+ {Load is 1/255
/ m3 t5 Z0 Y8 ]2 K/ CMinimum MTU is 1500 5 |% N5 n: a: i2 ^; u
Hop count is 2: O7 U9 z/ H: D2 u' D. ~
: l) `, |% L; T" b1 L$ z! M1 HB.
5 H0 M) _3 ~" d: O/ M9 @! w& e---------------------------------------------------------------
% ~8 C8 x6 x# l: X10.0.0.2 (Serial0.1), from, Send flag is 0x04 M% Z9 d( v) r/ R6 E: J
Composite metric is (53973248/128256), Route is Internal
, z: F3 ~# [: ^Vector Metric:4 V9 Z+ P! y/ ?& Q1 o
Minimum bandwidth is 48 Kbit & W" f9 k9 y' ]4 ]
Total delay is 25000 Microseconds
7 u  o" [; Y& w4 l* X; g( uReliability is 255/255
1 X" ?3 Z7 i( ]+ o: D" _$ v6 JLoad is 1/255
6 j, `4 f( ]2 i3 g6 wMinimum MTU is 1500 $ s5 L* U& _7 D( t5 C1 c5 z2 [0 U9 H
Hop count is 1. \6 `1 ~" o5 `+ H) X. q
2 J1 _* S! V9 k. rC.3 |7 w& m9 \$ U
---------------------------------------------------------------/ s! \* K5 Q) g- [& c# C' l (Serial0), from, Send flag is 0x0
1 B6 {& Q8 K: N4 K0 gComposite metric is (46866176/46354176), Route is Internal
1 r, j8 B, y3 |5 d: G- }# {9 PVector metric:+ C# h$ N3 {( Z% B5 ^2 P
Minimum bandwidth is 56 Kbit
. `# u# l% l/ f0 d/ h8 OTotal delay is 45000 microseconds+ H( p% X8 W* `
Reliability is 255/2552 U1 v( a& X5 i
Load is 1/255/ p! y2 F; U+ Q- V, P4 B6 B7 E
Minimum MTU is 1500
* z, t2 N- y0 `! KHop count is 2% T0 A# ~3 Z) Y  C" E
---------------------------------------------------------------  z% ]- E. p( O3 r. g' w
3 C# ?# |. Z2 X' K) t6 |---------------------------------------------------------------
' ^* I' l% \7 `# d7 m( ]8 _10.1.1.1 (Serial0.1), from, Send flag is 0x00 \' l) U5 L9 y( ^+ q8 T2 }6 _. M9 `
Composite metric is (46763776/46251776), Route is External , |+ [3 H  N/ K; W
Vector metric:. _, X! d; Q) ]1 u) c
Minimum bandwidth is 56 Kbit& ]# \9 H8 a  V; y
Total delay is 41000 microseconds9 {. D5 Y; J' I' d' n+ T$ Y
Reliability is 255/255
7 ]! p! a. k9 Z* \9 S) zLoad is 1/255( c' F; i) k. Z' m0 B6 o( S
Minimum MTU is 1500& t& a, `, A2 s3 ^7 ~
Hop count is 2
! H2 P. {0 ]' {* v2 F( N---------------------------------------------------------------6 D* e# k! i3 u( s' ]

9 [3 e6 W, l8 }% [$ x% `0 B: a希望能给大家一些帮忙 有些虽然很模糊!!
- `- Z7 a- o- g4 @8 h
7 K3 v. O0 ^6 c" x" g6 ^  `2 a6 s3 s* I2 ]6 F, c6 r' ~7 I
1 g4 q/ Y1 \8 q! M

" Y  \  L. D; _' p0 Z, j


参与人数 1鸿鹄币 +100 威望 +1 收起 理由
崔凯 + 100 + 1 赞一个!


发表于 2017-8-10 19:49:49 | 显示全部楼层
沙发 2017-8-10 19:49:49 回复 收起回复

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-10 20:07:51 | 显示全部楼层
这都是8月题库没的。是以前题库的题?!  恐怖
板凳 2017-8-10 20:07:51 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-10 20:11:24 | 显示全部楼层
这不是新题 这是以前题库的题。。。。。。
地板 2017-8-10 20:11:24 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-10 21:31:22 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
没错 是以前题库 但是8/2的题库没有
5# 2017-8-10 21:31:22 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-10 22:06:37 | 显示全部楼层
很全面 我今天也是867险过。  楼主贴的题我都遇到了   如果早看到就好了 啊哈哈
6# 2017-8-10 22:06:37 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-11 08:56:50 | 显示全部楼层
7# 2017-8-11 08:56:50 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-11 08:57:38 | 显示全部楼层
8# 2017-8-11 08:57:38 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-11 12:57:53 | 显示全部楼层
9# 2017-8-11 12:57:53 回复 收起回复

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-11 13:21:55 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ccnachangYC 于 2017-8-11 13:23 编辑 0 z% w; Z2 k# a( N& Q

9 ]# ^( w0 E4 h' `. _补充一题
* |% N& }( u' I* V+ QWhy do large OSPF networks use a hierarchical design?(choose three)4 K' C* u+ d9 ^+ g
+ ?' a3 R$ V9 w' o
A. to confine network instability to single areas of the network.
  c" \1 K3 o/ V' b% u5 @  l' o- ZB. to reduce the complexity of router configuration( n0 e8 p! s- m/ G# y. R
C. to speed up convergence! S$ x0 p( v( M1 K# I/ T7 S
D. to lower costs by replacing routers with distribution layer switches
2 X6 p( O4 C. [' X6 Y% G4 i2 k' nE. to decrease latency by increasing bandwidth2 ?9 [) [. W: j
F. to reduce routing overhead
10# 2017-8-11 13:21:55 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-11 18:10:42 | 显示全部楼层
11# 2017-8-11 18:10:42 回复 收起回复

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-11 23:30:05 | 显示全部楼层
Congrat and thank you for sharing!
12# 2017-8-11 23:30:05 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-11 23:31:51 | 显示全部楼层
Congrats and Thank you for sharing!
13# 2017-8-11 23:31:51 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-12 02:05:38 | 显示全部楼层
问一下 第一题和最后一题应该选什么?
14# 2017-8-12 02:05:38 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-8-12 02:10:54 | 显示全部楼层
请问一下 第一题和最后一题应该选什么?
15# 2017-8-12 02:10:54 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

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