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Configuring IP InterVLAN Routing on the RSM

发表于 2010-8-25 08:27:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 Step 1 (Optional) Enable IP routing on the router1.
  ip routing
  Step 2 (Optional) Specify an IP routing protocol2.
  router ip_routing_protocol
  Step 3 Specify a VLAN interface on the RSM.
  interface vlan-id
  Step 4 Assign an IP address to the VLAN.
  ip address n.n.n.n mask
  Step 5 Exit configuration mode.
  This example shows how to enable IP routing on the RSM, create a VLAN interface, and assign the interface an IP address:
  Router#configure terminal
  Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
  Router(config)#ip routing
  Router(config)#router rip
  Router(config-router)#interface vlan 100
  Router(config-if)#ip address
  Configuring IP InterVLAN Routing on an External Ro
  Step 1 (Optional) Enable IP routing on the router1.
  ip routing
  Step 2 (Optional) Specify an IP routing protocol2.
  router ip_routing_protocol
  Step 3 Create a subinterface on a physical interface.
  interface interface_type interface_number.subinterface-_number
  Step 4 Specify the encapsulation and VLAN number to use on the subinterface.
  encapsulation encapsulation_type vlan_id
  Step 5 Assign an IP address to the subinterface.
  ip address n.n.n.n mask
  Step 6 Repeat Steps 3-5 for each VLAN between which you want to route traffic.
  Step 7 Exit configuration mode.
  This example shows how to enable IP routing on the router, create two subinterfaces, and specify the encapsulation, VLAN number, and IP address for each subinterface:
  Cisco7505#configure terminal
  Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
  Cisco7505(config)#ip routing
  Cisco7505(config)#router rip
  Cisco7505(config-router)#interface fastethernet2/0.100
  Cisco7505(config-subif)#encapsulation isl 100
  Cisco7505(config-subif)#ip address
  Cisco7505(config-router)#interface fastethernet2/0.200
  Cisco7505(config-subif)#encapsulation isl 200
  Cisco7505(config-subif)#ip address
  InterVLAN Routing Configuration Examples
  [[The No.1 Picture.]]
  1. Configure Switch A as a VTP server and assign a VTP domain name.
  2. Configure Switch B and Switch C as VTP clients and assign the same VTP domain name.
  3. Configure ISL trunk links between the switches.
  4. Create the VLANs on Switch A (the VLAN information is propagated to Switch B and Switch C through VTP).
  5. Assign the switch ports on each switch to the appropriate VLAN.
  6. On the RSM, create one VLAN interface for each VLAN configured on Switch A.
  7. Assign IP addresses to the VLAN interfaces.
  Switch A Configuration
  This example shows how to configure Switch A:
  SwitchA> (enable) set trunk 1/1 desirable
  Port(s) 1/1 trunk mode set to desirable.
  SwitchA> (enable) %DTP-5-TRUNKPORTONort 1/1 has become isl trunk
  %PAGP-5-PORTTOSTPort 1/1 joined bridge port 1/1
  %PAGP-5-PORTFROMSTPort 1/1 left bridge port 1/1
  %PAGP-5-PORTTOSTPort 1/1 joined bridge port 1/1
  SwitchA> (enable) set vtp domain Corporate
  VTP domain Corporate modified
  SwitchA> (enable) set vtp mode server
  VTP domain Corporate modified
  SwitchA> (enable) set vlan 2 name Engineering
  Vlan 2 configuration successful
  SwitchA> (enable) set vlan 3 name Marketing
  Vlan 3 configuration successful
  SwitchA> (enable) set vlan 4 name Accounting
  Vlan 4 configuration successful
  SwitchA> (enable) set vlan 2 3/1
  VLAN 2 modified.
  VLAN 1 modified.
  VLAN Mod/Ports
  ---- -----------------------
  2 3/1
  SwitchA> (enable) set vlan 3 3/2
  VLAN 3 modified.
  VLAN 1 modified.
  VLAN Mod/Ports
  ---- -----------------------
  3 3/2
  SwitchA> (enable) set vlan 4 3/3
  VLAN 4 modified.
  VLAN 1 modified.
  VLAN Mod/Ports
  ---- -----------------------
  4 3/3
  SwitchA> (enable)
  Switch B Configuration
  This example shows how to configure Switch B:
  SwitchB> (enable) set trunk 1/2 desirable
  Port(s) 1/2 trunk mode set to desirable.
  SwitchB> (enable) %DTP-5-TRUNKPORTONort 1/2 has become isl trunk
  %PAGP-5-PORTTOSTPort 1/2 joined bridge port 1/2
  %PAGP-5-PORTFROMSTPort 1/2 left bridge port 1/2
  %PAGP-5-PORTTOSTPort 1/2 joined bridge port 1/2
  SwitchB> (enable) set vtp domain Corporate
  VTP domain Corporate modified
  SwitchB> (enable) set vtp mode client
  VTP domain Corporate modified
  SwitchB> (enable) set vlan 2 3/1
  VLAN 2 modified.
  VLAN 1 modified.
  VLAN Mod/Ports
  ---- -----------------------
  2 3/1
  SwitchB> (enable) set vlan 3 3/2
  Vlan 3 configuration successful
  VLAN 3 modified.
  VLAN 1 modified.
  VLAN Mod/Ports
  ---- -----------------------
  3 3/2
  SwitchB> (enable) set vlan 4 3/3
  Vlan 4 configuration successful
  VLAN 4 modified.
  VLAN 1 modified.
  VLAN Mod/Ports
  ---- -----------------------
  4 3/3
  SwitchB> (enable)
  Switch C Configuration
  This example shows how to configure Switch C:
  SwitchB> (enable) set vtp domain Corporate
  VTP domain Corporate modified
  SwitchB> (enable) set vtp mode client
  VTP domain Corporate modified
  SwitchB> (enable) set vlan 2 3/1
  VLAN 2 modified.
  VLAN 1 modified.
  VLAN Mod/Ports
  ---- -----------------------
  2 3/1
  SwitchB> (enable) set vlan 3 3/2
  Vlan 3 configuration successful
  VLAN 3 modified.
  VLAN 1 modified.
  VLAN Mod/Ports
  ---- -----------------------
  3 3/2
  SwitchB> (enable) set vlan 4 3/3
  Vlan 4 configuration successful
  VLAN 4 modified.
  VLAN 1 modified.
  VLAN Mod/Ports
  ---- -----------------------
  4 3/3
  SwitchB> (enable)
  RSM Configuration
  This example shows how to configure the RSM:
  SwitchA> (enable) session 5
  Trying Router-5...
  Connected to Router-5.
  Escape character is '^]'.
  Router#configure terminal
  Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
  Router(config)#interface vlan 2
  %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan2, changed state to down
  Router(config-if)#ip address
  Router(config-if)#no shutdown
  %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan2, changed state to up
  Router(config-if)#interface vlan 3
发表于 2012-11-14 22:56:16 | 显示全部楼层
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