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[考试战报] 墨尔本 1月30号 1000分过 详细探讨对8道题库答案的质疑

发表于 2013-1-31 22:13:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 bill93941 于 2013-2-19 21:37 编辑 4 _5 a4 D: D" |9 q( L# ~
+ x+ _7 j2 K; c1 Q5 `  q/ T
满分主要是运气好,没新题,没争议题。我认真学习NA花了半年的时间,就是看Cisco Academy的网络教材,用packet tracer做实验。好好系统的做笔记,一定用word这种软件记,方便索引和修改。用笔和本做笔记的话最后肯定是一团乱,想找哪都找不着。
) r( g9 {& h( ]. m7 G
( o3 {5 o. f- u+ \
5 F9 M" E; `2 G0 }9 C9 I

% F* Q# m4 e  ^8 g& |1 z1. 考试时比较紧张,鼠标容易连续点两下。多选题好几次都是连点2下,结果就是没选上。所以点next的时候要小心,不知道如果没选答案的话,点了next会不会有提示啊。
9 H* G1 O7 f8 u, X. U5 G, @+ ~$ E' j* I/ x3 a/ d
/ {1 D* Z/ ~! t/ c" r3 S/ d
2. 考到了375题
2 W  d; B0 S2 O+ i. t& X; j1 W1 R0 q6 B( V! u8 X4 L( D5 ]
% w/ B2 p' s" P
Which two states are the port states when RSTP has converged?(choose two)
A. blocking
B. learning
C. disabled
D. forwarding
E. listening

% ^& g) q2 C$ j, c  q

( f" ?$ o0 ?4 m9 q. _! w
实际考试时选项会给一个discarding, 选discarding和 forwarding就成了

: t5 w6 H$ V/ R8 m! W& S) x8 U7 B

, U* C5 ^* f6 ^2 ]. }% T! x
Which two Ethernet fiber-optic modes support distances of greater than 550meters?
A.   1000BASE-CX
C. 1000BASE-LX
D. 1000BASE-SX
E. 1000BASE-ZX
答案是CE, 选项B维基百科上说在half duplex时距离是400米,在full duplex时距离是2000米,题中没有说明在什么模式下,所以B最好不选。题库解释中说B的传输距离为100米是错误的

/ i& K9 V- C' L. o" d
What is valid reason for a switch to deny port access to new devices whenport security is enabled?
A. The denied MACaddresses have already been learned or confgured on another secure interface inthesame VLAN.
B. The denied MAC address are statically configured on the port.
C. The minimum MAC threshold has been reached.
D. The absolute agingtimes for the denied MAC addresses have expired.
An address learned or configured on one secure interfaceis seen on another secure interface in the same VLAN.完全符合A。B不合理,如果一个MAC被静态的设置在某个port上,则恰恰是允许其接入的意思
+ `3 e0 s" X& T" [! C4 n
Which command will show the MAC addresses of stations connected to switchports?
A. show mac-address
B. show arp
C. show table
D. show switchport
题库选B,但是我认为答案应该是A, 题目不是很明确,我只能猜题目似乎意思是要显示MAC和ports, show arp不显示port,所以我觉着不太对。然而在packet tracer中A命令是正确的,它是show mac-address-table的简写,他可以同时显示MAC和port,所以我觉着A应该是正确的
  z7 `# X9 \+ V+ V- W2 \0 \- c
What are two results of entering theSwitch(config)# vtp mode client command on a Catalyst switch? (Choose two.)
; W+ N1 z8 L0 Y: q' f& r7 J" Z
A. The switch will ignore VTP summary advertisements.
B. The switch will forward VTP summary advertisements.
C. The switch will process VTP summary advertisements.
D. The switch will originate VTP summary advertisements.
E. The switch will create, modify and deleteVLANs for the entire VTP domain.

! P7 Z" `; T5 j5 Y: h1 k
题库选BC, 但我认为应该是CD。思科教材上原话是:Summary advertisements are sent every 5 minutes by a VTP server orclient to inform neighboring VTP-enabled switches of the current VTPconfiguration revision number for its VTP domain。并且教材上forwardadvertisement只在描述transparent时才用。意思是不做任何处理,直接转发。实际上Server和client接到advertisement还是要处理一下,并不是直接转发。所以我觉的client forward VTP summary advertisements欠妥。选D则没有什么错误
" f: k% H# ~2 G: q
A host is attempting to send data to another host on a different network.What is the first action that the sending host will take?
A. Drop the data.
B. Send the data frames to the default gateway.
C. Create an ARP request to get a MAC address for the receiving host.
D. Send a TCP SYN andwait for the SYN ACK with the IP address of the receiving host.

, H7 P4 J0 }" r题库选C, 我认为应该是B。C明显是错的,因为他说的是创建ARP request去获得接收端host的MAC而不是default gateway的MAC。如果是在发送端已经获得了default gate的MAC的情况下,B则是正确的。
9 x! c5 l* k; a  e9 l: C. M' Z

% g# z  i& Z/ ]' T' C6.QUESTION 434
You are working in a data center environment and are assigned the addressrange are asked to develop an IP addressing plan to allowthe maximum number of subnets with as many as 30 hosts each. Which IP addressrange meets these requirements?
& z/ J9 K$ F1 l" B8 }
题库选B, 但是我认为应该选A。题库的解释是30个host加1个defaultgateway一共需要31个有效IP, A只能提供30个有效IP,所以不选A。但是虽然Host没有一个明确的定义,但是Wikipedia对host的定义我们可以参考一下。其中一条是: Anetwork host is a network node that is assigned a network layer hostaddress。所以说Router也可以被称为Host。所以A就没有问题了。从另一个角度看,思科考试不能这么变态刁难考生吧,他只是想考一个子网掩码与valid IP 数量的关系而已。如果按照题库的观点来看,那拖图题的那几道分配IP地址的答案也有不对的了: 比如6个host的网络分配的网关IP的掩码是/29, 14个host的网络分配的网关IP的掩码是/28.

: O) \! h% u* M- B$ w( M
Refer to the graphic.Computer 1 is consoles into switch A. Telnetconnections and pings run from the command prompt on switch A fail. Which ofthe following could cause this problem?

0 L* X5 t$ M. Y% v# B* f
# E+ k$ e( w, `' n' W" s# j' [! G

- X) ]5 ^0 A3 E, w6 y6 [" x
A. switch A dose not have a cdp entry for switch B or router JAX
B. switch A dose not have an IP address
C. port 1 on switch A should be an access port rather than a trunk port
D. switch A is not directly connected to router JAX
E. switch A does not have a default gatewayassigned

* |. M6 l! g& w( Y7 s* c- I
题库选E, 但我认为是B。先反驳一下题库说明,第一点题库说管理vlan可能不是vlan1, 只不过没显示出来而已,那default gateway也有可能已经设置了,但是没显示出来啊。第二点,题库说ping和telnet都失败了至少说明交换机已经配置了IP地址。这么说没什么道理,大家可以在packet tracer上试一下,用没有设IP的switch ping一个主机, 结果是全部超时,success rate is 0 percent, 这就是说明了失败了。telnet一个主机,结果是connection timed out; remote host not responding, 这也说明了失败了。谁能说这两个结果是成功的呢?所以说ping和telnet失败了不能说明交换机已经配置了IP。并且如果这个switch只是ping和telnet自己网段中的设备,则根本不需要配置default gateway。如果一个switch没有配置IP则肯定不能ping和telnet, 如果只是没有配置default gateway则还是有可能使用ping和telnet的。综上所述,我认为此题应该选B更合理
3 z1 D) o6 C3 k8 \: S6 u
Users on the network cannot reach the server located on the172.31.5.0 network.The network administrator connected to console port, issuedthe show ip route command,and was able to ping the server. Based on the outputof the show ip route command topology shown in the graphic,what is the cause ofthe failure?
1 `) c# J$ }0 s( V% N5 r  Y& @ 捕获.PNG
  E& @. b# E5 V+ `: K" K# a, G3 @4 r) yA. IP routing is not enabledB. A static route is configured incorrectlyC. The network has not fully convergedD. The FastEthernet interface on Coffee is disabledE. The routing table on Coffee has not updatedF. The neighborrelationship table is not correctly updated 题库选D, 我认为这题题干有问题。依据所给的图,Coffee是不可能ping通server的。反正D选项肯定也不对,如果Coffee的FastEthernet interface disabled的话,路由表中不会出现C is directly connected这一条。所以这题非要选的话我选B,我只能意淫也许题干想说was unable to ping the server,把unable错打成able了

: D6 c: |6 k0 [: u% s: s
; f' {0 _: U$ ^2 L6 c8 g1 N' w  T* X8 ]( E


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参与人数 2鸿鹄币 +45 威望 +1 收起 理由
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haidong + 30 + 1 很给力!


发表于 2013-1-31 22:19:56 | 显示全部楼层
沙发 2013-1-31 22:19:56 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2013-1-31 22:42:10 | 显示全部楼层
关于100Base-FX,《CCNA学习指南(第七版)》,第二章,2.1.6 以太网物理层,有介绍。
% N% ~  K" n9 s0 n) ~( s100Base-FX (IEEE 802.3u) 使用62.5/125微米的多模光钎,采用点到点拓扑,最大传输距离未412米。它使用ST和SC接头,这些接头都属于介质接口接头。
; D8 d* e' `8 p9 N  h$ A我看的是中文译版,木有看过英文原版是怎么写的。
$ B  V, d6 |$ n, P5 Q至于其他题的答案,有部分我也赞同LZ的观点。不过题库给出来的答案就是思科给的答案了。反正你选了那个答案就有分,不选就木有分,就这么简单。呵呵
板凳 2013-1-31 22:42:10 回复 收起回复
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-31 22:51:38 | 显示全部楼层
地板 2013-1-31 22:51:38 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2013-2-1 01:04:22 | 显示全部楼层
5# 2013-2-1 01:04:22 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2013-2-1 01:12:56 | 显示全部楼层
6# 2013-2-1 01:12:56 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2013-2-1 05:52:08 | 显示全部楼层
7# 2013-2-1 05:52:08 回复 收起回复
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-1 07:53:24 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-2-1 08:26:50 | 显示全部楼层
9# 2013-2-1 08:26:50 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2013-2-1 09:24:26 | 显示全部楼层
10# 2013-2-1 09:24:26 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2013-2-1 09:48:11 | 显示全部楼层
  学习就应该像楼主这样的。 搞明白每一个问题。
11# 2013-2-1 09:48:11 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-2-1 10:15:30 | 显示全部楼层
12# 2013-2-1 10:15:30 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2013-2-1 12:17:56 | 显示全部楼层
向楼主学习。个人觉得第3题选show arp没有错,虽然在PT里可以简写,但是看题目选项,应该是以完整形式出现,比如说show running-config ,要是出现sh r在PT也能运行,但不可能出现在考试选项中。, I% K1 y* Q9 n
第4题要是有3选项,就是BCD,反正The switch will originate VTP summary advertisements没有错。$ g6 u% S" X7 @  r
其他没有问题7 z# B8 {, {2 k  o
13# 2013-2-1 12:17:56 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-2-1 12:19:45 | 显示全部楼层
14# 2013-2-1 12:19:45 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2013-2-1 16:09:16 | 显示全部楼层
bill93941 发表于 2013-2-1 07:53
0 C/ a# M4 J/ @# K/ f+ o没有啊,所以说我运气比较好~

% u7 `7 i/ e$ u& M2 H% _  E( E实验题命令使用简写或者使用补全会不会扣分啊
15# 2013-2-1 16:09:16 回复 收起回复
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