luoxin895 发表于 2024-4-14 11:21:48


What is one difference between SaltStack and Ansible?
[*]A. SaltStack uses the Ansible agent on the box, whereas Ansible uses a Telnet server on the box.
[*]B. SaltStack uses an API proxy agent to program Cisco boxes in agent mode, whereas Ansible uses a Telnet connection.
[*]C. SaltStack uses SSH to interact with Cisco devices, whereas Ansible uses an event bus.
[*]D. SaltStack is constructed with minion, whereas Ansible is constructed with YAML.

题库给的答案是a, 但ansible只能通过ssh来工作,看起来应该选d,求讲解。

xman0857 发表于 2024-4-14 11:21:49

SaltStack 依賴安裝在目標系統上的代理程式 (Salt Minion) 來管理,Salt Minion 連接到 Salt Master 並按照指示執行命令和配置。
Ansible 使用 SSH(預設)或其他連接方法與目標系統通訊並遠端執行任務,無需事先在目標系統上安裝任何代理程式。

薯条 发表于 2024-4-15 08:58:21


mawr1985 发表于 2024-4-15 11:39:11

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